[Email 표현] A를 하다가 (우연찮게) B를 알아차리다
Dear Sir/Madam,
In a quest to resolve the issue of ECG customers with negative account balances, it has come to our notice that some customers with negative account balance have “Emergency credit” contract payment types.
우리는 negative 고객 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안을 모색하다가, 몇몇 고객들은 "emergency credit" 계약이라는 것을 알게되었습니다.
Knowing that our meters can function well both as prepaid and postpaid meters, when a contract is given the "Emergency credit" status, the meter will not relay off even when the customer’s account balance is less than zero.
In light of this, we would like the Districts to confirm the list of customers who have been given the "Emergency credit" status.
With this confirmation, we will change the contract payment type of all the contracts that are not confirmed to the "Prepay" status.
Please, find attached to this letter the list of customers with "Emergency credit" status for the various Districts.
We count on your usual cooperation in this regard.
Thank you.
* In a quest: ~를 하기위해, ~하기위한 추진에서
* Knowing that: ~을 아시다시피, ~을 알아둬
* It has come to our notice: 우리는 ~을 알아차림
* In light of this: 이에 비추어
* With this confirmation: 이 확인을 통하여
* Count on: 기대하다, ~을 믿다